Data protection policy

Data protection policy

We, at Sky Wizard (Mindlands Travel limited), admire your sequestration and are devoted to guarding your particular information. Under this document of sequestration Policy, we dissect and cover your particular data when you visit our point or communicate us via a telephone, and matriculate the details concerning your sequestration rights and how the UK law safeguards you under GDPR policy.

As the policy is in a layered format, you canre-route to the particular areas set out below with just a click. For better explanation about the meaning of some of the terms mentioned in this policy document, please check the Glossary at the end.

  • Important information about who we are
  • Ways we use to collect your data
  • How is your particular data collected?
  • Ways we use your particular data
  • exposures of your particular data
  • transnational transfers
  • Data retention
  • Data security
  • your legal rights
  • Glossary



Through this sequestration policy,you get information regarding our process of gathering and exercising your particular data through our point, comprising the data handed to make a booking or subscribe up for our newsletter. When you communicate us also via telephone, it covers the data collected. We offer our website and services to only the guests who are over 16 years of age. We designedly don't collect data relating to children, except important information applicable to complete a booking made by a grown-up. It's premonitory to read this sequestration policy notice along with other fair processing notice on particular occasions veritably precisely when gathering particular data about you. This way we insure that you're apprehensive of how we use the data that we collected. The sequestration policy notice completes the other notices and isn't intended to drop them.


Sky Wizard controls all the particular data that you input on our website and the words “we”, “ us ” and “ our ” relate to our company Sky Wizard( Mindlands Travel limited). This company is registered under number 13155937 in Wales and England. The company mentioned herein the UK is responsible for this website and the data controller.However, comprising any requests to exercise your legal rights, please communicate us on the details mentioned below If you have any queries regarding this sequestration policy.


Full name of legal entity: Midlands Travel Ltd

Email address:

Postal address: 40A, Westwood Street, Brierley Hill, DY5 3LZ

Telephone number: +44 1212854220 In case of any concern regarding our usage of your personal data, you may send a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority accountable to protect and manage the data, and address issues related to it ( We, although, would like to deal with your issues and address them before you contact the ICO. So if you have any concern, please contact us first.


Please make sure you read the policy from time to time; this way you keep yourself updated about the current version of this privacy policy document. The personal data that we gather must be accurate in order for us to complete your bookings and offer our services. In case of any change in your personal data, please inform us prior to the booking completion.


This website comprises third-party website links, applications and a few plug-ins Your data may be collected or shared by third party websites if you enable the associated websites or click on any of these links. These third-party websites are not under the jurisdiction of Sky Wizard, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies. It is advised that you read the privacy policy notice again when you come back to our website after leaving.


The definition of personal information explains that any data about an individual with which we, as a service provider, can identify that individual. If the identification has been erased, it does not still constitute what is referred to as anonymous data. We collect, keep, utilise, and transfer the following categories of personal data:

  • Identity Data consists of a username, first and last name, passport number, title, marital status, gender, and birthdate, in addition to other information. We may require a copy of your passport in order to obtain all of this information.
  • Contact Data has details that comprise your delivery address, billing address, email address and contact number.
  • Payment card and bank account information are included in all financial data. Payments are processed through secure merchant accounts, and we don't get access to your financial information.
  • Transaction Data comprise payments details and other data of the services purchased from us.
  • Technical data about the device you used to access this website includes login information, IP address, browser type and version, operating system, time zone setting, and location.
  • Profile Data comprise username and password, your preferences, interests, feedback and survey responses.
  • Usage Data has information regarding your website use and services.
  • Marketing and Communications Data includes information about your communication and receiving marketing preferences

For marketing and other uses, we collect, use, and distribute aggregated data, such as statistical or demographic information. Aggregated Data is typically created using personal data, which isn't legal personal data because it conceals your identify. For instance, based on your Usage Data, we may be able to determine the proportion of people that utilise a particular website feature. However, if we gather both personal and aggregate data and attempt to identify you, it will be regarded as the combined data, which will be used in this privacy notice.

We collect the necessary information under Special Categories of Personal Data to provide you with the services you want from us. These services offer vital information about your nutritional needs, general health, and any requirements for specialised medical care (such as oxygen or wheelchairs). Additionally, in order to travel with a medical condition, such as a pregnancy that has lasted longer than 28 weeks, we might need a prescription from your doctor authorising the trip. Despite this, we don't collect any information on your race or ethnicity, sexual preferences, religion, political leanings, or other personal characteristics.


According to the law, if we need to collect your personal information to fulfil your booking request and, for whatever reason, you choose not to submit it, we may not be held responsible for our failure to deliver our services or provide you with the bookings you've requested. However, in this specific instance, you will be informed that your request has been cancelled by us when that time comes.


Various methods are used to gather data from you, which includes:

  • Direct interactions: You give us your Name, Contact and Financial Details while you fill in forms with us by post, phone or email
  • Services booked through us
  • Account creation on the website
  • Sign up or subscribe with us
  • Request marketing e-mailers to be sent
  • Give us some feedback

We share your data about the requirements and travel arrangements from third-party suppliers. This is needed to co-ordinate with flights booked directly with the airline.

When you use our website, your Technical Data including actions on the site, your browsing device and patterns are automatically collected by us with the help of cookies and similar technologies about which you can read in our updated Cookies Policy. If you visit other websites using our cookies, we get your Technical Data.

Third-party or publicly available sources. We at Sky Wizard may attain your personal data from third parties, as set out below:

(a) Analytics [such as Google]

(b) Advertising networks

(c) Search information providers

Financial, Contact and Transaction Data from delivery and payment services such as Emerchantpay/First data or any verified payment gateway.

When you use Sky Wizard to make a reservation on someone else's behalf, we ask for their personal information as well as their travel preferences. You should get their permission before sharing these details with us, and then only after that, tell us about their preferences. If they want to change or delete their information, they can do so by contacting us directly; otherwise, only your account will have access to it.


We are allowed by law to process your personal information. However, we only make use of your personal information where it is permitted by law. We utilise your personal information in the following circumstances:

Legitimate Interest

Our legitimate interest in running and managing our business so that we can provide you with exceptional service and a secure experience is referred to as our interest in doing so. We weigh any potential impact on you and your rights before using and processing your personal data. Nevertheless, we take precautions to ensure that we don't use your personal information for purposes that would negatively affect you if we didn't have your consent. By contacting us, you can learn more about how we weigh our legitimate interests against any potential effects on you with regard to particular activities.

Performance of Contract

This refers to the need to handle your data in order to carry out and provide the service to which you are a party or to take action to fill your request prior to such a contract. Process your personal information where it is essential to comply with a regulatory or legal requirement to which we are subject.

Other than emailing you direct commercial communications from third parties, we do not use your permission alone as our legal justification for processing your personal information. You can cancel your permission to market at any time by getting in touch with us using the information provided if you do not wish to receive that.

Purpose to Use Your Personal Data

The below-mentioned are the ways we plan to utilize your personal data. Under the same, we have listed our legitimate interests for your details. We process your personal information for more than lawful grounds depending on the purpose of data use.

Purpose/Activity Type of data Lawful basis for data processing including legitimate interest
New customer registration (a) Identity
(b) Contact
Complete the requested services with you
To complete your travel booking including:
Managing payments, fees and charges
Providing you with information such as status updates about the service you have booked through us
Sharing booking information with suppliers so that they can fulfil your booking
Collecting any payments that you owe us
(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Financial
(d) Transaction
(e) Marketing and Communications
(a) Complete the requested services
(b) Necessary for legitimate interests or to recover due payments
Customer relationship management including:
(a) Notify regarding any changes in terms or privacy policy
(b) Asking you to write a service review
(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Profile
(d) Marketing and Communications
(a) Complete the requested services
(b) Necessary to comply with but under a legal obligation
(c) Necessary under legitimate interests to keep our data updated and insights on how customers use our services.
To protect our business or the website (which includes troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, support, data hosting) (a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Technical
a) Necessary for our legitimate interests to run our business, network security, fraud prevention
(b) Necessary to comply with under a legal obligation
Deliver website content and advertisements to customers and to measure or understand the effectiveness of the served advertisement (a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Profile
(d) Usage
(e) Marketing and Communications
(f) Technical
Necessary for legitimate interests to know how the customers use our services, to grow the business and to enhance our marketing strategy
Use data analytics to improve our website, services, marketing, customer relationships (a) Technical
(b) Usage
Necessary for legitimate interests to define types of customers, to keep the website updated and relevant, business development
Suggestions and recommendations about services of your interest (a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Technical
(d) Usage
(e) Profile
Necessary for our legitimate interests to develop our services and business growth


Regarding the use of your personal information, particularly for marketing and advertising, we give you options. You can choose what marketing materials you want to receive from Sky Wizard or if you want to opt out of getting them.


Your usage, name, contact, and profile data are used. All of this information gathering is utilised to build a view and determine what you want, need, or are interested in. We make decisions about the offers and services that may be required for you based on this crucial information. We send marketing emails based on the information you provided to us or information about the booked travel services. In these situations, you have consented to receive our promotional mailings.


We will get an opt-in permit and only after receiving it, we share your personal information with any company outside the Sky Wizard for any purpose.


By going into the website and altering your marketing settings, you can ask us or the third party to stop sending emails if you do not want to receive our updated emails. You can also do this by getting in touch with us using the details given. Your personal information that we need to process a booking or other transaction will not be affected if you decide not to receive marketing messages from us.


We only use your personal information for purposes that we logically believe to be necessary, or for purposes that are similar to the original ones. Please feel free to get in touch with us if you require any clarification regarding the procedure for any other reason. If we use your personal data for an unrelated reason, we'll let you know.


We may share your details with the parties listed below for important reasons-

Internal Third Parties: Companies in the Sky Wizard (Midlands Travel Ltd) acting as joint controllers and to provide IT and system administration services or undertake leadership reporting.

External Third Parties

  • Travel service provider companies comprising hotel operators, airlines and similar businesses to complete your booking request.
  • Data processors or service suppliers which are based out in the United Kingdom, European Economic Area (EEA).
  • Specific third parties that are listed in the table in [paragraph 4]
  • Third parties to whom we sell, merge, or transfer our business or assets. We might partner with or acquire other companies; in which case we'll disclose your information to their staff. Your personal information is secure and is handled by all third parties associated with us in accordance with the law or as specified in this policy. Your personal information may only be used by third parties for the purposes listed in our instructions, and for no other reason.


We share your personal information within the Sky Wizard (Midlands Travel Ltd). This includes transferring your data outside the EEA.

We ensure that your personal information is safeguarded by us and we follow the same instructions while processing your personal data. They are called “binding corporate rules”. For more details, see European Commission: Binding corporate rules

Our external third parties such as hotels and airlines are based outside the EEA. They may process your personal details and transfer it outside the EEA. If we transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we make sure that a similar degree of protection is offered and ensures the following safeguards are executed:

Personal data transfer to countries deemed to offer a sufficient level of protection for personal information by the European Commission.

If we use service suppliers, we may use the approved use of details by the European Commission. Under this policy, you will get the exact level of protection as it persists in Europe. For any further details, read the

If we make use of service suppliers of the U.S., we transfer details to them only if they are a part of the Privacy Shield. If yes, they offer a similar level of protection to personal information shared between the U.S. and Europe.

In certain situations, we believe that the transfer is compulsory for our contract with you. For example, if a booking has been made from our side through a service provider outside the EEA or with your consent, which we seek and inform you about the circumstance. In case you require any further details on the particular procedure used by us to transfer your personal information out of the EEA, feel free to contact us.


We have enough security measures in place to prevent unintentional access to or unethical use of your personal information. We restrict access to and use of your personal information by our staff members and other parties that are associated with us. They use it as per our instructions and are subject to a duty of confidentiality under this policy if they actually need your personal information. We employ a variety of measures to address suspected data breaches and notify you in the event of any such activity.


We preserve your private information for as long as is necessary. This is done to fulfil any accounting, legal, or reporting needs, as well as the services you requested. The potential risk of harm from unethical use is taken into account as the decision element for disclosure of your personal data in order to define the precise retention period for personal details. In order to provide the best experience when you book with us again, we use the personal information from prior transactions. We are required by law to preserve your basic personal information for a period of six years. After that, you stop being customers and the information is just used for taxation. If it has been more than six months since your last booking with us.

You are allowed to request that we erase your information under specific circumstances. Your personal information might occasionally be anonymized and used for statistics or research purposes. In certain circumstances, we utilise your facts without further informing you.


Under some situations, you have certain rights under data protection policies concerning your personal data. With this, you may:

Request to access your personal information (generally known as 'data subject access request'). Under this policy, you receive a copy of your personal details we hold and check if we are processing it ethically and according to the laws.

You can ask us to modify or correct your personal data. Under this, you have the complete right to get any inaccurate or incomplete data corrected. We will authenticate the accuracy of the new details and then do the required process.

Request to delete your personal information from our servers. You do not require any reason for the same and ask us to stop processing it.

Note, although we may not be able to act in accordance with your request of deleting your personal details for any legal reasons and we will notify you if applicable, at the time of the request.

When processing your personal information, we bank on a legitimate interest and your specific situation under which you want to question the processing. This objection should have the ground that you think it might impact on your fundamental right or freedom. If you have problems against direct marketing, your right to object can also be accepted. In scenarios like this, we may demonstrate that we have legitimate grounds to process your data.

Also, you may request the processing of your personal data restriction. On the following grounds, you may request us to stop the processing of your personal details: (a) to establish the accuracy of the data; (b) unlawful use of the personal data; (c) to keep hold of the data even if we no longer need it, exercise or defend legal claims; or (d) you have an objection for the use of your personal information but we are needed to verify a legitimate grounds to use it.

You may withdraw your permission any time to process your personal information. Although, this will not affect the authority of any processing carried out before your withdrawal. Your withdrawal may lead to our lack of ability to offer you certain services to you. At the time you withdraw your consent, we will inform you about the same. If you still want to go ahead and practice any of the rights mentioned above, please contact us.


In order to verify your identity and guarantee that you have the right to access your personal data (or any other rights), we may ask you for particular information. This is a safety precaution for us to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to anyone who does not have a legal claim to it. In order to expedite the response and procedure, we will get in touch with you and collect additional information about your request.


Within one month from the time the request was made, we respond to all valid inquiries. However, if your request is complicated or you have made several requests, it can take more than a month. In situations like this, we'll keep you informed.